C++ Conceptとエラーメッセージ

C++20 Conceptに少し慣れようと思い、練習がてら雑JSONを出力できるライブラリを書いてみようと思った。

C++20となると色々考えるべきことが増える(std::u8stringをどうするか? とか)が、今回はそのへんは主題ではないのでできるだけ今までのC++の範囲内で短くまとめることにする。



#include <concepts>

namespace cpt
template<typename T>
concept range = requires(T& t) {
    std::begin(t); // std::begin(t)が呼べる
    std::end  (t); // 同上

template<typename T>
concept has_value_type = requires {
    typename T::value_type; // T::value_type が存在する

template<typename T>
concept has_key_mapped_type = requires {
    typename T::key_type;
    typename T::mapped_type;

template<typename T>
concept map_like_container =
    range<T> && has_value_type<T> && has_key_mapped_type<T>;

template<typename T>
concept vector_like_container =
    range<T> && has_value_type<T> && !has_key_mapped_type<T>;
} // cpt


// 普通の配列をJSONにする
template<vector_like_container T>
inline std::string to_json(const T& v)
    std::string retval;
    for(const auto& elem : v)
         retval += ' ';
         retval += to_json(elem);
         retval += ',';
    if(retval.empty()) {retval.resize(2);}
    retval.front() = '[';
    retval.back()  = ']';
    return retval;

// 連想配列をJSONにする
template<map_like_container T>
inline std::string to_json(const T& m)
    std::string retval;
    for(const auto& [key, val] : m)
         retval += ' ';
         retval += to_json(key);
         retval += ':';
         retval += to_json(val);
         retval += ',';
    if(retval.empty()) {retval.resize(2);}
    retval.front() = '{';
    retval.back()  = '}';
    return retval;

従来typenameだった部分をvector_like_containermap_like_containerにすればいいだけだ。驚きの簡単さ! 我々はSFINAEの意味のわからん記述から解放されるのだ!


template<std::integral T>
inline std::string to_json(const T i)
    return std::to_string(i);

template<std::floating_point T>
inline std::string to_json(const T f)
    return std::to_string(f);



struct X {int i;};


[Wandbox]三へ( へ՞ਊ ՞)へ ハッハッ

prog.cc: In function 'int main()':
prog.cc:113:36: error: no matching function for call to 'to_json(X)'
  113 |     std::cout << cpt::to_json(X{42}) << std::endl;
      |                                    ^
prog.cc:41:20: note: candidate: 'std::string cpt::to_json(bool)'
   41 | inline std::string to_json(const bool b)
      |                    ^~~~~~~
prog.cc:41:39: note:   no known conversion for argument 1 from 'X' to 'bool'
   41 | inline std::string to_json(const bool b)
      |                            ~~~~~~~~~~~^
prog.cc:48:20: note: candidate: 'std::string cpt::to_json(T) [with T = X; std::string = std::__cxx11::basic_string<char>]'
   48 | inline std::string to_json(const T i)
      |                    ^~~~~~~
prog.cc:48:20: note: constraints not satisfied
In file included from prog.cc:1:
/opt/wandbox/gcc-head/include/c++/11.0.0/concepts: In instantiation of 'std::string cpt::to_json(T) [with T = X; std::string = std::__cxx11::basic_string<char>]':
prog.cc:113:36:   required from here
/opt/wandbox/gcc-head/include/c++/11.0.0/concepts:102:13:   required for the satisfaction of 'integral<T>' [with T = X]
/opt/wandbox/gcc-head/include/c++/11.0.0/concepts:102:24: note: the expression 'is_integral_v<_Tp> [with _Tp = X]' evaluated to 'false'
  102 |     concept integral = is_integral_v<_Tp>;
      |                        ^~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
prog.cc:54:20: note: candidate: 'std::string cpt::to_json(T) [with T = X; std::string = std::__cxx11::basic_string<char>]'
   54 | inline std::string to_json(const T f)
      |                    ^~~~~~~
prog.cc:54:20: note: constraints not satisfied
In file included from prog.cc:1:
/opt/wandbox/gcc-head/include/c++/11.0.0/concepts: In instantiation of 'std::string cpt::to_json(T) [with T = X; std::string = std::__cxx11::basic_string<char>]':
prog.cc:113:36:   required from here
/opt/wandbox/gcc-head/include/c++/11.0.0/concepts:111:13:   required for the satisfaction of 'floating_point<T>' [with T = X]
/opt/wandbox/gcc-head/include/c++/11.0.0/concepts:111:30: note: the expression 'is_floating_point_v<_Tp> [with _Tp = X]' evaluated to 'false'
  111 |     concept floating_point = is_floating_point_v<_Tp>;
      |                              ^~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
prog.cc:59:20: note: candidate: 'std::string cpt::to_json(const string&)'
   59 | inline std::string to_json(const std::string& s)
      |                    ^~~~~~~
prog.cc:59:47: note:   no known conversion for argument 1 from 'X' to 'const string&' {aka 'const std::__cxx11::basic_string<char>&'}
   59 | inline std::string to_json(const std::string& s)
      |                            ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~^
prog.cc:66:20: note: candidate: 'std::string cpt::to_json(const T&) [with T = X; std::string = std::__cxx11::basic_string<char>]'
   66 | inline std::string to_json(const T& v)
      |                    ^~~~~~~
prog.cc:66:20: note: constraints not satisfied
prog.cc: In instantiation of 'std::string cpt::to_json(const T&) [with T = X; std::string = std::__cxx11::basic_string<char>]':
prog.cc:113:36:   required from here
prog.cc:8:9:   required for the satisfaction of 'range<T>' [with T = X]
prog.cc:29:9:   required for the satisfaction of 'vector_like_container<T>' [with T = X]
prog.cc:8:17:   in requirements with 'T& t' [with T = X]
prog.cc:9:15: note: the required expression 'std::begin(t)' is invalid
    9 |     std::begin(t);
      |     ~~~~~~~~~~^~~
prog.cc:10:15: note: the required expression 'std::end(t)' is invalid
   10 |     std::end  (t);
      |     ~~~~~~~~~~^~~
cc1plus: note: set '-fconcepts-diagnostics-depth=' to at least 2 for more detail
prog.cc:82:20: note: candidate: 'std::string cpt::to_json(const T&) [with T = X; std::string = std::__cxx11::basic_string<char>]'
   82 | inline std::string to_json(const T& m)
      |                    ^~~~~~~
prog.cc:82:20: note: constraints not satisfied
prog.cc: In instantiation of 'std::string cpt::to_json(const T&) [with T = X; std::string = std::__cxx11::basic_string<char>]':
prog.cc:113:36:   required from here
prog.cc:8:9:   required for the satisfaction of 'range<T>' [with T = X]
prog.cc:25:9:   required for the satisfaction of 'map_like_container<T>' [with T = X]
prog.cc:8:17:   in requirements with 'T& t' [with T = X]
prog.cc:9:15: note: the required expression 'std::begin(t)' is invalid
    9 |     std::begin(t);
      |     ~~~~~~~~~~^~~
prog.cc:10:15: note: the required expression 'std::end(t)' is invalid
   10 |     std::end  (t);
      |     ~~~~~~~~~~^~~


上から読んでいけば、「to_json(X{42})にマッチする関数はありません」「to_json(const bool)には以下の理由でマッチしません」「to_json(const T i)には……」と書いてあるので簡単にエラーの理由がわかるのだけれど、慣れている人は一行目で理由を察するし、慣れていない人は長さに圧倒されて気を失う。いつもの光景だ。



namespace cpt
namespace detail
inline std::string to_json(...);

template<typename T>
inline std::string to_json(const T& v)
    return detail::to_json(v);



template<typename T>
concept supported_types =
    std::same_as<T, bool>        ||
    std::integral<T>             ||
    std::floating_point<T>       ||
    std::same_as<T, std::string> ||
    map_like_container<T>        ||
    vector_like_container<T>     ;

template<supported_types T>
inline std::string to_json(const T& v)
    return detail::to_json(v);


[Wandbox]三へ( へ՞ਊ ՞)へ ハッハッ

prog.cc: In function 'int main()':
prog.cc:122:36: error: use of function 'std::string cpt::to_json(const T&) [with T = X; std::string = std::__cxx11::basic_string<char>]' with unsatisfied constraints
  122 |     std::cout << cpt::to_json(X{42}) << std::endl;
      |                                    ^
prog.cc:103:20: note: declared here
  103 | inline std::string to_json(const T& t)
      |                    ^~~~~~~
prog.cc:103:20: note: constraints not satisfied
prog.cc: In instantiation of 'std::string cpt::to_json(const T&) [with T = X; std::string = std::__cxx11::basic_string<char>]':
prog.cc:122:36:   required from here
prog.cc:33:9:   required for the satisfaction of 'supported_types<T>' [with T = X]
prog.cc:38:34: note: no operand of the disjunction is satisfied
   34 |     std::same_as<T, bool>        ||
      |     ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
   35 |     std::integral<T>             ||
      |     ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
   36 |     std::floating_point<T>       ||
      |     ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
   37 |     std::same_as<T, std::string> ||
      |     ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
   38 |     map_like_container<T>        ||
      |     ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~^~
   39 |     vector_like_container<T>     ;
      |     ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~      
cc1plus: note: set '-fconcepts-diagnostics-depth=' to at least 2 for more detail


最初のエラーメッセージに比べてかなり単純でわかりやすくなったように思う。これは……実はいいアイデアでは? ただsupported_typesを定義するのがだるいという問題は残るけれど。